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Middle School/High School Crusaders & Families,


As summer begins to wrap up, I would like to call your attention to several items in preparation for the coming school year.  

Those items are: attendance, cell phone/electronic device policy, good conduct policy and the student dress code.  

Listed at the bottom of this note are important upcoming dates.


Enjoy the remainder of your summer and see you in August!


~Mrs. Miller 

6-12 Principal 


Attendance at school is the number one way to ensure that you/your child has access to the education that CR-B provides.  Understandably situations arise that warrant absence.  Our School Board Policies and Student Handbook detail excused and unexcused absence.  

Excused absences include: religious observations, personal illness, hospitalization, or doctor’s care, death, serious injury, or serious illness in the immediate family or household, funeral of relative or close friend, court appearance,  participation in school-sponsored activities when permission is granted, medical, optical or dental appointments unable to be scheduled at non-school times and driver’s license or driver permit testing.

Examples of unexcused absences include: haircuts, vacations and other personal days.  


High School students earning credit toward graduation have up to seven unexcused absences per semester before possible loss of credit.  


We continue to ask that you call in your child when absent. If we don’t hear from you, we will be using the same automated system as in the past to contact you.

 (reference student handbook pages 13-15)


Cell phones have their purpose, but they can be a major distraction at school for students.  We will be asking students to leave their cell phones put away during class and only use them at lunch and at passing time.  The first time that a student has their cell phone taken to the office for a violation of the policy, they can pick it up after 3:30pm.  Subsequent violations  will require a parent/guardian to pick the phone up from the office.  I want to thank all parents/guardians for reminding their student to keep their phone put away. 

(reference student handbook page 42)


The number one goal of the entire teaching and coaching staff is to keep our students safe and healthy while representing the Coon Rapids-Bayard School  in athletics and activities as Crusaders. 

You will find updated policy and language regarding the Student Good Conduct Policy on pages 44-46 in the student handbook.  


I am including the exact dress code language from the student handbook, page 28.  

Please encourage your students to dress appropriately for school. There is a strong connection between academic performance, students’ appearance and student conduct. Inappropriate student appearance may cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment or present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees and visitors on school grounds. Students are expected to adhere to reasonable levels of cleanliness and modesty. Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate to their age level and does not disrupt the school or educational environment.    Students found violating the dress code will be given an opportunity to immediately remedy the violation.  Habitual offenders will be referred  to the office and communication will be made with the student’s parent/guardian. 


1. Clothing with vulgar writing or “double meaning” messages will not be tolerated.                                                                                


2. Clothing advertising alcoholic beverages or tobacco will not be worn at school.             


3. Shorts and skirts may be worn as long as they reach or extend past the length of a student’s closed fist knuckles while arms extend downward.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

4. Upper body clothing should cover the body from both shoulders to the waist. No crop tops.


5. Hats/hoods/bandanas/stocking caps may not be worn in the building during the school day.


6. Large coats and blankets may not be worn in a classroom without permission of the teacher. Large coats, hats and blankets will be placed in the locker upon arrival to school, or left in the student vehicle.


7. Undergarments should not be visible when wearing any type of clothing



The student handbook can be found on the school website at

We will be visiting with students about all of these items at high school orientation and again on the first day of school with all 6th-12th graders.


Upcoming dates:


Online Registration Opens - August 1st (please find link and other important links on our website,

(school supply list will also be available starting August 1st)


High School Orientation→Monday, August 14 -  HS Commons 

Class of 2027 @ 9 am

Class of 2026 @ 10 am

Class of 2025 @ 11 am

Class of 2024 @ 12 pm 

(Makeup session will be held after school on August 23)


Open House→ Monday, August 21 All grades 5-7 pm 

Fall semester schedules will be available- Infinite Campus schedules may not be accurate/ are subject to change until this date. 

Spring 2023 Iowa Assessment and FAST testing results will be distributed for 7th-12th grade 


Monday, August 21: 

Class of 2030 (incoming 6th graders) student & parent/guardian meeting in auditorium 5:30-5:45 pm with Mrs. Birks & 5:45 pm-guided tour 


The CRB Education Foundation is hosting a grill-out at the Open House 


First day of school→ August 23 !

(regularly scheduled 2pm Wednesday dismissal)